Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Before 6am....

I woke up before 6am again, and by 6:45 Phoebe and I walked over to the Studio to turn on the heater.  Another chilly morning....but the light made everything look beautiful.

 My pooch and I were out at the barn by 7.

 After chores I draged the rings....yep, that means we are going to get some heavy rain.

 Class at 10:30.

 A view of the girls through the blinds in the Studio.

 We had more amaryllis blossoms today.

 These will probably be open by tomorrow morning.
 After class, Tina and I went out and picked some rhubarb.
 My first pie of the season.

 A little before 3 LuAnne came up with her harp and we messed around for awhile.  I can't believe I forgot to take a picture.  Shortly after that Terry arrived with her baritone uke (practicing for our performance on Saturday) and the three of us sang for awhile. 

 I had to rush to get dinner together as our Board meeting was at 6pm instead of 7.
Spinach salad with tomatoes, onions, Greek Olives and Feta cheese.
 I quickly sauteed some peppers and onions with some organic chicken sausage.
 I hate to be rushed when I'm eating.  I think it tasted good!
Made a sign for Gary to take to work tomorrow.
Maybe we can sell some of our rhubarb.  We only have over 20 ginormous plants.
 After the board meeting, several of us went up to the Middle School for a very informative presentation about the process of dissolution.  In two weeks there will be a vote to see if the village is going to be dissolved.

 I couldn't wait to get home so I could try the rhubarb pie.
It met my expectations!
Night all.
When I got home and opened the mail, there was a card from the Animal Hospital
with this in it.  I lost it......


  1. Oh Lori. Breaks my heart. I'm so sorry.
    The rhubarb pie sounds fab and I think you should get another piece! I think I need one now too.

  2. Oh, that's so sad but thoughtful of them. When I lost Maggie they sent me a card to let me know they had a tree planted in her name. I lost it too. You absolutely need more pie.

    Lovely pictures of your place.

  3. Oh, man, I need to make a pie. Look at yours with the juice bubbling up over the side. I'm drooling!

  4. I don't think I could hold it together either if I got that card. I got choked up when I just saw her name.
    I still get teary eyed when I look at my dear Xena's photo.
    Lots of rhubarb around here too now, although it doesn't like me much.

  5. Oh my word, that pie is absolutely beautiful...and even more delicious!!! I've never had a "straight" rhubarb pie, but strawberry-rhubarb is one of my favorites. Who am I kidding???? I love so many kinds of pie! You sure do make a pretty pie though, I'm a tad jealous at how nicely your crusts turn out. Crust making is an unappreciated art form, I think. My momma was the queen. Me? Not so much. I will keep at it though, for the love of pie. :)

  6. Hi Lori, sweet card from the animal hospital. I still have several cards and poems from our local vet's rooms... The rhubarb pie looks so yummy. My mum made a delicious pie.


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