Friday, May 6, 2016

A Performance With A Side Of Chicken French!

 There sits Phoebe, my little guard dog.
Every morning she goes out to the barn with me.  
I can't imagine how big the horses must seem to her.

She hangs in there until I am finished with everything.
Plenty of sunshine today, but it sure was nippy....the wind.
 There is color in every direction and it is going to take 
a L O N G time to get all the gardens in shape.  Gary keeps plugging away.

 There was a concert at The Center today.
 The Sweden Senior Singers...Gary and I used to sing with this group.
This was my favorite song.

 (my view from the dining room).
 There was an excellent crowd and they were very appreciative of 
all the improvements at The Center.
 The meal was great.  A nice green salad....
 Chicken French with pasta....
 and an excellent dessert.
When I got back to the farm, I saw this!
And I thought it was going to be a 1 story ranch!
We are going to have a track mansion behind the pasture!
This place is going to be HUGE and is really going up fast.
 Made a bigga salad for dinner.
Greens, chicken, asparagus, tomatoes, Greek olives, hard boiled eggs, 
feta cheese and caramelized onions.
Reallllllly good.
Now I am off duty.  This was an easy day.
Night all.


  1. Maybe plant huge lots of huge trees that will grow tall and hide the huge mansion. Tulips are looking truly bright and beautiful. ( I could have used THAT word more than 3 times for sure)

  2. If mom only knew you were snoopervising her
    Lily & Edward


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