Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Too Many Obligations....

It poured last night.  Just like I thought it would after I dragged the outdoor arena.
Not only that, with the wind.... we were in the 30s.  Lovely.
I carried Gucci out to the yard, gave her the meds and once again, she only had about one bite of food.  Still drinking tho.

 Seeing that it was raining off and on, the girls wore their blankets.
 These big temperature changes are bad news.

 This egg was sitting next to the picket fence near the driveway.  Why would it end up there?
 Kathy's flower arrangement is still hanging in there.
 Before I left for grand jury duty, I made sure that Gucci and Phoebe were comfortable.
 It's amazing to me that Gucci is hanging on.  I wish she would eat something.

 Fortunately we were released early today.

 I woke up at 4:30am and could not get back to sleep, so I was pooped when I got home.
Grabbed Gucci and Phoebe and actually crawled in bed.
In no mood to make dinner, so we had grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.
Board meeting tonight and now I'm off duty.
Night all.
Gucci will go back to the vet on Thursday and then we will have to make some decisions.


  1. So sorry little Gucci is not doing well. Sending sympathy to you both.
    my e-mail is intheozone@midrivers.com. I see above that you have asked for e-mails. Mine gets tricky because people forget the first o in ozone. Hang in the Gucci.

  2. Thursday at your place is Friday here, the end of the week, and my love and all thoughts are with you right now. I have been there with 2 of our cats, and know so well the heartache.
    Hugs from down south in NZ.

  3. Prayers for you and Gucci.

  4. I'm heartsore that Gucci is still so ill. Sending healing prayers to her and strength to you, Lori.

  5. I am so sorry to hear that Gucci is not doing well. For once, I wish it had been a tick borne disease as they generally respond to treatment at least. I will be thinking of you and Gucci as I know what a hard place it is to be in.

  6. I'm sorry to hear that Gucci isn't doing well. This is the hardest part of loving our furry friends. My heart goes out to you all. Maybe tomorrow will bring some hope when she goes back to her vet.

  7. Oh no I am so sorry to hear this news. My heart is heavy with reading that she is not eating.

  8. I read your Facebook. Sending hugs my dear friend. Hug B


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