Saturday, April 30, 2016

Time To Catch Up....

Karen had chore duty this morning and for the first time, I did not get out 
to the barn until after 8.

 Phoebe did not have to wear her sweater.  That's a good sign!
 Gordon B. arrived on the scene to rototill Gary's gardens.  It won't be long before the rhubarb will be ready.

 If you look out between the barns you can see the progress that has been made 
on the house behind the back pasture.  It sure has put the kabash on my
view for picture taking.

 Look what has come back on the scene!  Huge blossoms and more coming.

 By mid morning I grabbed a shower and was off and running.
Country Max for a sale on Cat food, Tractor Supply for pellet bedding and horse treats, the bank for moola, gas for the car, stopped in at Sallys and finally hit Wegmans on the way home.
When I walked to my car at Tractor supply, this truck was parked near me with 6 dogs in it.
They were all beauties!

 It was warm enough for Gary to paint, so he got a good start on the Studio.
The green is darker than it was and looks great with the green metal roof.
 Is Phoebe looking good or what?  She seems to be doing very well.

 I practiced my Uke for awhile before starting on dinner.
Looking forward to tomorrow's jam.
 So in the mood for potato salad.

 A cucumber/onion/tomato salad and veggie burgers.  Delish.
 Tucked the girls in a little after 7.  They are loving this weather.

 After chores I checked on Gary in the studio, where he was priming those huge canvases.  The one I am going to paint has to be about 5 x 7 FEET!  Should be fun.

 I just saw this picture of The Center that Deanna (Director) posted on FB.
The chair rail and panels are going up ... WOW!  Things are really starting to shape up.
Do I love this color!
I think I have finally hit the wall.
Night all.
Here's one more song from Chris Wilson.


  1. Beautiful Amaryllis, bright and just what the Dr ordered for you. Hugs from NZ.

  2. Phoebe is looking good! Seems they're making good progress on the house in back. The amaryllis is gorgeous. I really like that color at the center. What a difference from how it looked before.

  3. So happy Phoebe is doing well! I've been having trouble commenting for some reason on my phone but I've been thinking about all of you. That pair of setters is a sign for me! After the whole situation trying to adopt Teddy in France and not being allowed, I realized I am probably ready to adopt another dog after realizing how disappointed I was I couldn't get him. So for some reason a pair of setters popped in my head and I've been perusing rescue sites. Not in a rush but funny how once something is on your mind you see it everywhere.

  4. Glad to see Phoebe doing so well!


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