Sunday, March 20, 2016

What A Great Dinner

Another crispy and gorgeous morning with ice on the water trough.

 I opened up all the pastures and the outdoor arena as they were no longer soggy.
 Angel had lost a shoe, so after her foot was wrapped Karen and I started looking for it.
Fortunately on the third try, it was located up on the hill behind the barn.

 Matt (one of my students from over 20 years ago) arrived at the farm around 10:30 to take a look at the west side of the studio.  The boards along the bottom need replacing and we decided to remove them and put up some stone that would look like a foundation.  He is an outstanding mason.
 I took photos....
 and photoshopped this one
 so I could get an idea of what it would look like.
Drew in some stones just to get the feel of it.
I think we will end up doing this. 
A lot of changes will be made in this area (like a new French door for the entrance

 and an arbor near the edge of the deck).
The bottom half of the front and the rest of the building will be painted a darker green.
And then there's the picket fence that needs a coat of white.....blah blah blah.

 Here's a quick look at the interior.

 Ahhhhh yes!  This was jam day at the gallery.  I had missed it last week and was so happy to be back.  So far it was my best day ever and my playing (uke) was much stronger.

 Home around 3:30.
Sidney was lounging in the afternoon sun.
 We had a hot dinner date with Judy and Sally.  German food and I was contributing fried apples and onions in lieu of a salad.
 The horses had to go in a little early so we could get there on time.

 We picked up Sally on the way and Judy was ready for us.
 We made a pact not to have appetizers anymore, as it is just too much.
 So here's what we had.
My apples....
 carrots and parsnips
 German noodles

 and Bobbie's (from Java) macaroons for dessert.
I did not have room for one more thing, but Gary spied this "candy dish" and snuck some kisses.
 We ended the evening by the fire.
Totally satisfied and ready for a nap.
Great time.
Night all.


  1. Okay I must say that I am so jealous of your studio! I have wished for a space that could be mine for creations. The stone will look beautiful!

  2. Dinner looks delicious! I haven't had sauerbraten in Ages. It's one of my favorites.

    Glad you found the shoe. Blue lost his too. We found it though and it's back on.

    I think the studio is going to look beautiful horn you're done.

  3. Beautiful photos, and the dinner looks scrumptious!


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