Thursday, March 3, 2016

Not So Bad

 Cold, but without the wind it was quite bearable.
 Abbe can't get enough cookies....always looking for more.

 After chores I made a trip to Wegmans for a major load of groceries.
 Jenny, Scott and the boys are coming for dinner tomorrow night, so  made a big pot of corn chowder.  A good head start.

Dinner was leftovers and it tasted just as good as it did last night.
Went to another meeting at the Town Hall tonight.  Home by 8:30 and now
 I'm going to crawl into bed.
Night all.


  1. It looks cold there with the snow. We may get some tonight. Hope not a lot. The chowder looks perfect for a cold night.

  2. Love those sunsets. The rest of your takes with the animals and your food.


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