Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Blowin' In The Wind....

A frigid start to the day.

 The front paddock was frozen in lumps the size of big rocks.  No fun to walk on, for me or the horses.

 Class at 10:30.

 The sky turned grey until late afternoon, and then whamo!
The west side of the house was in the spotlight.

 I plunked myself down after lunch, enjoyed the fire and watched the movie "Truth" starring Robert Redford.  Very interesting, especially since it took place just before an election.
 Time for a regular dinner.

 Chicken with caramelized carrots and onions, mashed potatoes and a carrot/apple/craisin salad.
Town Board workshop tonight and home in time to catch the end of "The Voice."
I am so hooked on music.
Night all.


  1. Your photos of your house and...well all of them are so beautiful. We had our cold wickedness this weekend and woke up to 5" of snow! Life is good when you can snuggle in with a good book at the end of the day...that is what I did.

  2. Your house looks so cozy and inviting. I think if I sat down there in front of a fire I'd just fall asleep!


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