Wednesday, March 9, 2016

75 Degrees... Broke A Record

No fancy sunrise this morning, and I only needed to wear a vest instead of a jacket.

 Notice Abbe....stained but not covered with mud (8:30am).

 I had to take a fast shower and drove to Greece for an appointment to have my knees x-rayed (9:45)
 This had not been done since 2013.  On May 19th it will be 4 years since I had a full knee replacement.  I feel very fortunate about the way it all turned out.  At Agape, I have seen
many others who are very gimpy.
 I asked if I could take problem.
My Doctor was very impressed as my knee looked as good as it did when I had the surgery.
 Don't have to go back for 3 1/2 years.
 I drove home the back way, next to the canal.

 They won't start filling it for several weeks.
It was such a beautiful day, I won't be a happy camper when it snows again.
 Before going back to the farm I went to Agape.
20 minutes on the bike/10 minutes on the elliptical/10 minutes on the treadmill.
No mercy on Friday. 
All this activity really makes a difference.

I checked out the condition of the girls later in the afternoon...

 and there she is!  The queen of Miss Piggies at 3pm.
 Every single day....
 I finished the last episode of "House of Cards" before dinner.
 The salad - apples, tangerines, craisins and peanuts.
 French bread and leftover minestrone.
 Night all.




  1. Happy Birthday to Steph! Congratulations on your knee. Mine was done 7 years ago and still feels good. Did 30 on the treadmill this morning. There's nothing I can't do except run or jog which isn't a problem since I didn't do that before anyway ;) got up to 81 this afternoon when I went to pick up the grandkids from school. Abbé is the queen of dirt.

  2. So far but it is still dark here it looks like another perfect day. Enjoy. Hug B

  3. I know our guys roll and roll a lot! But they are getting ready to start to shed and I guess it just feels good! Fred is always mud encrusted. Congrats on the good knee report.


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