Thursday, February 4, 2016

That's All She Wrote

By this morning the temperature dropped from yesterday's high of 59 to the low 30s.
The blankets went back on...not interested in these big drops turning into colic.

This is going to be a very little post with very little pictures.
I spent much of the day running around. 

 Chores, Gary dropped my car off and it was repaired to the tune of $641, lots of back and forth to Brockport, paid taxes, went to Wegmans....home late.
 Fortunately Gary had a nice fire going.
 Did not make dinner again.
I need a nap and some inspiration/time for more picture taking.
Night all.


  1. So long as the fire is lit and flames showing, nothing else matters much at all when it is so cold. Love the story today, it says everything.

  2. Wow, Lori, that's an expensive car repair. Your pictures are small but still so interesting. I've run around this week and not done much blog visiting either. Grant goes in for repeat surgery on his elbow and possible Carpel Tunnel, on Monday. This is in the city and this time I take my notebook and WiFi with me! Have a great day. Jo

  3. Oh I hope you get it! What a wild temperature change. We had that last week also. We got to nearly 50 and then bam, wild weather and snow,sleet, winds, and whatnot.
    See you soon!

  4. Very nice article to read first thing in the morning!!
    Thanks for sharing!


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