Saturday, February 27, 2016

On The Quiet Side

Today we did not have one obligation and went from one thing to the other in a very relaxed fashion.  There was just a sliver of color in the sky this morning.
 We managed to hit a high of 40 today but the wind gusts would not let it feel that way.
Tomorrow we may hit 56 degrees.
 The snow will melt and these poor little daffodils are going to grow even more.
 Abbe and Berlin tend to hang out in the front paddock with the hay
 and if there is any grass showing at all, Angel and Maggie are nowhere to be seen.

 I have been in the mood to find a coffee table to go in front of our new couch, so at noon we went over to the antique co-op to see what we could find.  Nothing grabbed us so we went to another shop in the village, along with Dunn's Furniture store.  Still nothing.  Ended putting an old wicker trunk in front of it for now.  Hmmmmm.  I need to center the couch in front of the painting....
Anyway, it was getting late so we stopped at Java Junction.
I had my usual salad and it was superb.
 When we got back to the farm, Gary started a fire and we continued to veg.  Can't beat it.
Love having a complete day off.
Went out to tuck the girls in around 6.  So nice to have it light at that time.

 This photo really shows you that this barn is way over 100 years old.  It used to house cows and this part was full of cow stanchions and junked car parts when we moved in.  We had never housed our own horses and put together about 7 stalls in the most basic fashion.  There were two more in the run-in area.  They used to have grid fronts except for the doors, but they served no purpose and just collected cob webs.  Off they came.  At our peak, we had 9 horses.  Now, the walls have been knocked down and we only have 4 huge stalls and a medium one where we store hay and blankets.
 It may be primitive, but the girls love having studios.

 The grooming room is in the other barn and we have two stalls there as well.
 Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

Surprise, surprise.....Gary had dinner going when I got back in the house.
 Veggie burgers, corn and a salad.  Nice....I did not have to do anything.
Night all.


  1. So nice to have a day off. We didn't do much today either. Went over to see the grandkids and their new puppy. Just too cute.

    I love your barn. It looks so cozy. I'm sure your girls love it.

  2. Those stalls are huge! It was really great to see your set up, I am always interested in how people make it work. I would so love to be able to have a horse again but I won't be able to get one for a long time yet.

  3. You are so right. Nothing like having a complete day off. Looks like you enjoyed yours.


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