Monday, February 8, 2016


Not too bad out there this morning.  In the 30s and grey, but mild
compared to what is ahead of us.

 After chores I rushed to get down to Agape as we were going to celebrate Cliff's birthday.
90 years old and still working out!  Minor detail....we were one month off and will have to try
again on this date in March.  Fortunately someone figured it out before we started the 
Today I did 25 minutes on the bike, 13 minutes on the treadmill and 14 minutes on the elliptical.
Making a comeback.
Home in time for a shower and quick lunch before going down to The Center for an
Association meeting.  Now that I am the liaison for the Town, I wanted to meet and let
them know that it looks like we will be working on some cosmetics down there. 
All are looking forward to the update.

 Spent the rest of the afternoon attempting to read by the fire, but that didn't last very long.
My lids were heavy.
This morning I started thawing out some lasagna roll ups I had put in the freezer.
A nice easy dinner.

 Night all.


  1. Good for you for making the exercise routine. Snowed all day here, still spitting a little. I think a good fire sounds very nice.

  2. I hope you don't get a great big snow storm. Good for you feeling good enough to get back at the exercise routine!

  3. Sounds an excellent day!
    food looks absolutely fantastic


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