Saturday, February 20, 2016

Change Is On The Way

The sunrise was not quite as exciting this morning, but the temperature was high enough to have melted a lot of snow last night.

 It had disappeared in the driveway....
 and even tho it was windy, the sun made it warm enough to take the blankets off the girls.

 Jenny and Scott came up before noon to help Gary move a couch and chair down to her house.
We have a new sofa arriving this coming week and she can use these denim pieces in her basement family room.  They are faded but comfy.
 Yesterday the snow was half way up the door to the indoor.  What a difference.
 It was over 50 by noon and Rochester had a high of 57.
 I was not very productive today.  Practiced a bunch of songs with my ukulele and that was about it.
Our living room looks mighty empty for now...but it won't be long.
 Gary and I were not very hungry so we had eggs and toast for dinner.
Fine with me.
Night all.


  1. What a great life for all involved!

  2. It's good to have a day like today, isn't it, and breakfast for dinner always works for me too! I hope the rest of your weekend is enjoyable!


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