Tuesday, January 12, 2016

If We Just Didn't Have Such Strong Wind

 I am beginning to really appreciate all those weeks of snowless weather.
 It was so cold and windy this morning, I decided to hang 4 hay bags in the indoor....
just in case the girls decided that getting out of the wind was a good idea.

 Maggie and Angel found a quieter spot behind the back of the horse barn.
 Then they all went out there.
 I made a quick trip to the bank and Country Max (shavings again) and got home with a few minutes to spare before my class started.

 I met Judy and Sally at Java for lunch.  Could not resist that salad.
 Judy had homemade mac and cheese with a salad
 and Sally had a Turkey berry panini with a salad.
We were all very happy with what we ordered and spent 
over an hour and a half shooting the breeze.
 While we were at Java there was a 10 minute whiteout blizzard that passed.
Still VERY windy on my way home.

 The closer I got to the farm, the lighter it became.
 Penne and meatballs for dinner....
 along with a nice salad.

 Tonight we had our first official board meeting for the year.
The "organizational" meeting.
When we left, it was snowing like crazy.

Home now, and ready to listen to the President's speech.
Night all.


  1. Glad you made it home safely. Yes we had wicked winds here too.

  2. Seems like another awesome day for you!!
    I just love those drawings and food!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Another busy day. Where do you find the time and energy. Snowed here last night too about 3 inches. The wind was really howling too. But that's okay. As far as I'm concerned winter is almost over. Just the rest of this month and February and we're home free.


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