Friday, January 15, 2016

A Slow Down....

Very grey today, but the temperature went up to 49 degrees.
I'll take it.

 After chores I went to Agape.
Back in my groove.  25 minutes on the bike/20 minutes on the elliptical.
 I finding it pretty amazing to have time on my hands after all those non 
stop months of campaigning.  Managed to do some laundry, met Terry at the UPS store 
so she could copy my song book,
and made a quinoa salad.  All these years and I've never used it.
Added roasted red peppers, Greek olives, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and feta cheese. Tasted pretty good.  Unfortunately, our parsley bit the dust so I did not have any to add to the mix. 

 Tonight will be another quiet one.  Back to the fire.
Night all.

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