Friday, January 1, 2016

24 Hours

Last night we spent a quiet evening with Brenda and Al, grilled out steaks and had a great dinner.
We had no intention of making it until midnight and spent a lot of time laughing.
 The carrots and Brussels sprouts were from our garden (more out there) and I roasted them along with some potatoes.  The salad....romaine/apples/pears/pomegranate/Swedish nuts and Feta Cheese.  Brenda brought a chocolate pie.  Everything was delicious and we took our grand old time eating.  They left a little after 9 and we were ready for a nap.
 This morning we had a little snow.

 The front paddock is still a mess.

 At 11:30 we went over to Carol G's for a southern style brunch.
It was superb!  This breakfast shrimp dish was served over the top of creamy smooth grits.
(It was my debut in the grits department).
 We also had ham and biscuits....
 an egg/sausage/cheese casserole and fresh fruit.
 Carol sure knows her way around a kitchen.
 This is her dog Roamer...they are into agility.
 We met some new people and had a great relaxing at that time of day.
Chores just before dark.

 The girls are always happy to get tucked in for the night.

Gary and I were lounging around, thinking about watching a movie....when Jenny and Scott stopped in.  We were going to turn our leftover steak into chilly cheese steak sandwiches and asked them to join us....which they did.
 We also finished off the pie Brenda left here, and spent a lot of time playing the guitar, ukulele, sticks and washboard.  Scott used to be in a band so he knew what he was doing.  A very fun, off the cuff evening.

Phoebe didn't care, she just sacked out.
 Now it's back to the fire and we will see about that movie.
 Night all.

This past week our granddaughters were in New York City visiting their other grandparents.  While Daniela and her grandmother went to Lord and Taylor shopping, Ariana wanted to take in the ginormous New York Public Library.  She decided to do a little family research and sent us these two pictures that she found (among many others).

Gary is hiding in this photo....
 and I am in this one.  Holy Moly!  It must have been about 1959 and I was in high school
looking about 12 years old.  Yuck!  How could they have allowed sororities?
I am in the front row, second from the right!  So geekie looking!
I would love to find some of these people that I have lost touch with.


  1. A nice day and evening with good food friends and family is the best way to celebrate a new year. Love the pictures your granddaughter found. Happy New Ayear!

  2. Do you have something like we have here, "Old Friends" and you can log in, go to your primary or Secondary School and find them? What treasures to have.

  3. Happy New Year Lori and thank you for always including us in your life. Your wonderful eventful life. I think topping this year will be a challenge. HUGS HUGS B

  4. Happy New Year to you and Gary. That brunch looks amazing. Shrimp and grits... yummmmm.


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