Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Eve Eve

 It rained again last night...not too much, but enough to keep the ground squishy.

 Poor Maggie is still gimpy and needs wraps...looks like a tendon problem to me.

 The sun tried, but we ended up with a very grey, mild day.  Probably around 60.

After chores I ran some errands and had plans to go to Agape.  Did I? No!!!
Spent too much time talking to people in the stores and ended up coming home with
a carload of groceries.  25 people are coming to dinner tomorrow night.

Tonight, however, we spent Christmas Eve Eve at Pam and Greg's.  This was their
20th dinner on this night and we have been there three times now.  Incredible food.

 The dining room table was covered with a huge variety of appetizers.
 And the buffet held just as many spectacular desserts.

 Too bad I forgot to take pictures of our dinner!

 After we ate, there was a Christmas songfest featuring the piano and a violin....
 Then Jim played the guitar and I did what I could with my new baritone ukulele.
It was so much fun!
 Before we left he showed me the chords for "All About The Bass" and I can't
wait to learn it.
 We got back to the farm a little after 10:30 and I am whipped.

 Night all.


  1. Hi Lori, it all looks so festive and the food yummy. Merry Christmas to you, Gary and your loved ones. Jo PS please please send us some rain!

  2. We had rain that turned to snow....Merry Christmas, enjoy!


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