Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Back To The Beale

 Another not so gorgeous day...
 with a very eerrriieee sunrise.

 After chores I picked a stalk of brussels sprouts and some carrots from our garden.
 Can't believe I was able to do this...
 on the 16th of December. 
We have more of both still out there, along with some flat leafed parsley.

 Got down to Agape by 10.  25 minutes on the bike and 20 minutes on the elliptical.
Have to keep going....
 Gary had a board meeting/dinner tonight
 and I went into The Beale with my friend Terry to listen to The Geezers.
 The bass player, Doug, jams with us on Sundays at A Different Path Gallery
so we went in to support the band.

You can tell they enjoy what they are doing.

It makes me want to fill up my song book with more lyrics and chords.

There is something about music that takes you to all kinds of places.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. I've picked Kale until just yesterday when our day time temps have finally started to drop below freezing.
    We almost had a glimpse of sunlight yesterday too!


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