Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Rochester Ukulele Orchestra

Spent most of the day on the home front.

 Every time I passed the new hibiscus blossom I had to grab a shot.  Tina brought two plants to me on Tuesday and things have started to pop with more blossoms to come.
 Decided to make a pot of corn chowder...a real soup day.  It was very cold outside and Gary had a nice fire going.  Fortunately the wind had subsided

 While I was at it, made a BLT for lunch.

 As per usual, the sun made an appearance in the late afternoon and Phoebe was taking full advantage of the warmth.
 All four girls looked like little piggies when they came into the barn tonight.

 Had to scrape some of the mud off before I went back to the house.
 A simple but delicious supper.

 At 7 we drove to the village for a concert at the Presbyterian Church.
 The Rochester Ukulele Orchestra!

I'm so glad we were able to see them....totally impressed!
 Seven very talented musicians.

 Now I really want a ukulele.
 Don't you think they should be booked for Summer Serenades?

 Night all.


  1. I've never heard of a ukulele band. Must have been interesting listening. The hibiscus is gorgeous. My herd was covered with mud too and lots of burrs.

  2. Oh my goodness - your house is so colourful and beautiful and the dogs only add to the decoration!!

  3. The hibiscus really is lovely and perfect color this time of year! Add me to the list of those not ever having heard a ukulele band, but I'd love to hear more!


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