Friday, September 11, 2015

Why Not Squeeze In A Few More Things?

Whoa!  This morning it was 52 degrees...yesterday at the same time it was 77.
Felt great!

 I had to drop my car off to have some work done around noon, and drove by this 9-11 monument that is in front of the Capon Hose Company in Brockport.  Local firefighters held a vigil all day and into the evening.  Richard Kron, a sculptor, created this piece and there is a chunk of metal there that came from one of the twin towers.  A very meaningful memorial.

Early in the afternoon my friend Hanny came to the farm to drop off some paperwork and brought along a dress she just made for a sale at the Peddler's Market tomorrow.  There is an outstanding program at The Center called Brockport Dresses for Girls Around the World.  "A group of dedicated volunteers are making a difference for girls in need around the globe by giving them security and dignity - one dress at a time."  In addition to pillow case dresses, they have been making designer dresses to sell at various local events.  The money raised will help get the pillow case dresses shipped to cities around the world.  They are also making little dolls and beany babies and include underpants for girls and shorts for boys when they pack the donated suitcases.  
Do you have anything like this where you live?

 At 4:30 I was able to get my car back and went to the annual picnic put on by the Teachers Association.  Instead of having it catered, they brought in two food trucks.  One featured Italian food and the other was Thai.  Both very good and nice for a change.
 Drove through the village on my way home and the light was very interesting.

 Look what showed up in the garden!  Round two for the crocuses.

 Quickly tucked the girls in, as I was substituting for couples duplicate bridge tonight.  Two days in a row....amazing.

 Before I left, Gary had picked some beautiful glads to sell on the farm wagon tomorrow.
 When I got to Helen's house the table was full of all kinds of food.  Just what I needed after going to a picnic.  Stuck to water and cake tonight.
 Played with a new partner, had a good time, but ended up at the bottom of the barrel.
Home after 10:30 and found all these potatoes on the side porch.  They look terrific.
 Not a bad crop.
 Time to get some rest.
Night all.
It's supposed to start raining pretty soon...
2-5 inches?  Could that be right?


  1. What a brilliant project Dresses for Girls around the world. The 9/11 war memorial is something special and your firemen awesome to stand vigil all day and into the night. My dad passed away on 9/11 (2000) and Rina's husband passed away on 9/11 2013. So it has personal meaning to us as well.

  2. I am so glad that it has cooled off a little! That sculpture is wonderful. It was such a sad day for us in England too, we all felt so deeply about it. I love the Brockport dress - especially with the little doll in the pocket!


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