Monday, September 7, 2015

(Sun) Flowers...

In the low 90s today...can't stand it when it's this muggy.

 Karen was off duty this morning, so I was the first to greet the girls.

 Gary collected sunflowers to fill an order made yesterday.

 They were positively gorgeous.

 I ran down to Wegmans as Jenny, Coop, Finn and Scott were coming for a 1pm dinner/lunch to celebrate Coop's birthday....which is tomorrow.
As soon as they got here Coop went out to the garden to grab a couple carrots.
 In the meantime, Gary grilled a pork loin while I made lomain and zucchini parm.
 Of course we had to toast Coop!
 I served some of that plum/apricot/golden raisin chutney on the side and it was a perfect blend.

 Ten years old!

 We had a very decadent chocolate cake with ice cream.

 Finn and Coop love making faces or whatever for photos.

 Finn had to have more cake at another birthday party, so they were gone by 3.

Gary went out to our little orchard and picked all the peaches.  We have never gotten this many in the past, as it is a very young tree.
 Did not make supper.  Every man for himself.
Had a meeting in the Studio at 7:15.  
Our grasses have gone crazy.

 Gary managed to put sunflowers out there too.

We got a lot accomplished.
Is anyone ready for a bumper sticker?
 After everyone left I worked on some labeling.  Running for office takes a lot of work.
Back in the house by 9:30.
Night all.


  1. The sunflowers are gorgeous! Looks like another busy day in the heat. 90's here too and so humid. I hope it breaks soon, I've had enough.

  2. Those sunflowers are spectacular. ...and our peaches are done. Apples and pears are starting to come in.


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