Thursday, September 3, 2015

Plum Jam....

A beautiful sunrise and another muggy day.
 Berlin decided to square up while she was chowing this morning.

 Finished the mowing after chores...too busy yesterday. The lane, front paddock and the edge of the outdoor arena look much better now.

 Ran a few errands, which included a stop at Wegmans.  My friend Carol was there and could not find any plums (like ours).  Voila!  Had her stop at the farm and gave her a bag.  Next thing ya know, there was a knock on the door and an very nice Amish man stopped to see if we would sell our wind mill.  Saw the plums and wanted to buy some.  Said not for sale and gave him a bag. Seeing that we still had a LOT, I put on my domestic face and started making jam.

 Just when I was ready to fill the jars, Hanny stopped in for some.....plums!
She went home with a bag full along with beets, leeks, onions and a red cabbage.
Foodie day at Skoog Farm.
 When Gary got home from a day trip, he picked raspberries (more jam tomorrow)
 and half a bushel of ginormous peppers.  He may have to get into sauce mode.

 Dinner - leftovers from last night.  I threw in some corn I had taken off a couple cobs the other day and it was a perfect mix.

 Chores at 7:30.  Berlin is starting to dapple out and would not let me take her picture in good light.

 I had the fan going all day, but the girls were still sweaty and as you can see....Abbe did her best to grind in some dirt when she was rolling.

That's it for now.
Night all.


  1. Ah plums! Our tree gave a shocking tonnage!

  2. I love love LOVE plum jam. The stupid crows took all of ours this year so I didn't get to make any jam. Grrrr.

  3. The plums look delicious. There's nothing like fresh fruit from your own trees! As always you got lots done today even in the heat. Still in the 90's here and humid.


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