Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Out of Sync....

A short sunrise was followed by lots of rain...it's still raining!

 Mornings are really weird without Karen being at the barn for chores.  
No one to talk to....I really liked that.
 By the time the girls went out, it started to rain.
 Class at 10:30.

 Tomorrow we are going to set up our show at 
A Different Path Gallery.  
The opening is Sunday from 7-9.

I had an outrageously busy afternoon and went out to see the girls 
while Karen was doing evening chores.

 Still raining.

 We are supposed to have a major cool down starting tomorrow.
Gary needs to get these mums in the ground.

 Defrosted some sauce and a small container of eggplant....mixed it all together and put it on some penne for a nice meal.  Gary made the salad.  Yay!
I stayed up too late yesterday watching Longmier, and now I am so tired
Night all.


  1. We are in for lots of rain in the next few days. Was foggy here and in the 70's today. Love your students art work. I've got mums to plant too. Guess they'll have to wait til the rain stops.

  2. I always love seeing photos from the art classes. I enjoyed drawing quite a bit when I was younger-- but time prevents me from doing much of it anymore :-(

  3. Longmire had that same affect on me:):) Worth it though. HUGS B


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