Monday, September 14, 2015

Dinner With Val...

 A nice sunny morning...
After chores I did a few things around the farm and took a photo of our sign to put  on our Campaign For Change FaceBook page.  They can start going up on Saturday in the Town and next week in the Village.  Things are ready to roll.
 Our fourth batch of t-shirts was ready, so the pups and I took a ride into the Village to pick them up.  Running for office has been keeping me very busy.
I decided not to pass up this perfect weather and rode my trike down to a neighbors house to deliver his shirt.

 Somehow I need to get back in the riding groove on a regular basis.  I love my trike.

 Gary picked raspberries when he got home from working at Roger and Tina's and I did a little weeding around our third batch of spinach that should be ready in the next couple of days.
Threw a few apples over the fence so the girls could have a little snack.

 Had to do chores a little early as I had a meeting at 7 (and Gary was on his own).

 Something different...A dinner meeting.
First I took a tour of the veggie garden, raised beds and bursting with everything you can think of.
 Val outdid herself in the kitchen.
 A perfect meal!
 Everything was outstanding.
 A kale salad with beets, toasted pecans and red quinoa.
 and peach cobbler for dessert.
What a treat.  Thanks Val and Kevin.
Night all.


  1. Looks like everything is moving along nicely with the campaign. The peach cobbler looks delicious!

  2. I love your friend's sink! So the real question is has House of Cards adequately prepared you for a life of political intrigue?


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