Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Long And Short of It...

 Gorgeous!  Crispy!

 After chores I dragged the outdoor arena as Karen was going to ride.
Those darn weeds are back.
 The sunflowers next to the indoor are over 8 feet tall.

 Karen rode Angel in the ring and then took Maggie out back.

 Grabbed a quick shower and headed down to the market for a press conference.
Jamie Romero, the head of the Monroe County Democratic Party was here.
 I met this pup named Jack.  He was found abandoned in a snow bank in Rochester and these people adopted him. Very sweet.

 Many of our supporters were there wearing their t-shirts.

 I handed my camera to a friend, and somehow the fish eye setting appeared and none of the photos are useable.  Below is an example.  Such a distorting setting.  Yuck.  Sure made me look thinner.  Ha ha!  In other shots I look like a hippo.
A video was made of our short speeches.  I have not heard it yet...
Afterward I went over to Java Junction and ended up having lunch with Annie, Sandra Frankel (candidate for County Executive) and her campaign manager.
Thank you David M. for sending me a normal shot.
Lollygaged too long, and ended up rushing like crazy when I got back to the farm as a meeting was being held here.  Ended up holding it in the house as it was the coolest place.

 Good snacks....and very productive.
 Evening chores at 7:30.

Grabbed a few shots in the dark before we ate a very late dinner.
 Gary picked up all these flowers...they are on the porch and in the house.

 Another salad for dinner.
I'm pooped.
Night all.


  1. I so admire people who can ride a horse and Karen looks good astride Angel. I must check my camera as I've never heard of the "fish eye" setting. So good of those people to rescue and adopt Jack. He looks a sweet little guy. Have a great day, Lori. Greetings Jo

  2. Fish eye is supposed to mimic a type of wide angle lens, that said, I don't use it unless I am going for funky.
    Beautiful weather! I am going to go riding tomorrow ... I... surely do hope!
    It has been such a wickedly wild summer [and spring] that I haven't gotten half of what I wanted to do!
    You had such a wonderful busy day.


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