Sunday, August 2, 2015

It's Not Easy Being Green...

Yet another beautiful morning.
 We are fortunate to have green grass and enough moisture to maintain it.
 Our friends in California are as dry as a bone and there are fires creeping up all over the state.

 Yesterday, when I was over in the north garden I noticed about 30 volunteer cucumber plants amongst the weeds.  Gary had grown garlic in this spot and at the time, they were nowhere to be seen.  Then, he had it rototilled and it sat there for a couple weeks.  How did these plants survive?
This morning I started getting rid of the weeds and Gary finished the job this afternoon.  We are going to have hundreds of cukes if it's anything like last year, and they will be for sale on the farm wagon. The key is to stay on top of it and pick them while they are small.  
Who wants honkin' cucumbers?
 Everything is growing like crazy.  So far we have eaten cherries, black berries,  strawberries, rhubarb, spinach, green beans and cabbage.  The tomatoes have some size, but no red ones yet.
 The onions should be getting bigger now.

 The girls spent part of the morning lounging in the front paddock,
where they could feel a good breeze.

 I got down to the Farm Market around 11 and the first person I ran into was Annie (running for Town Supervisor on our team) and she had a ton of veggies ready to go in her car.
 She walked back to the market with me and we did a little schmoozing.
More and more people are asking what we are all about.
 We have been very supportive of the Town giving a contract back to the Brockport Volunteer Ambulance, but it looks like they are not feeling the same way about it.
 Ran into my friend Trish and her family.  Her nephew has a stand at the market.
 The Suburban News did a full page story on him and I wish him all the best.
If you go to the market, check out Red Wagon Farm.
 Met a couple of new pups.
Both were adorable.
 More stands and even more produce than last week.
I bought corn, tomatoes, bread and butter pickles and 4 fried cakes (dropped two of them off for Gary at the Welcome Center as he was on duty).

 Our community loves having this option.
 After that I took a few photos for a friend who started Mural Mania (google it).
He has arranged to have the Global Mural Conference in this area in September of 2016, and would like to get Brockport involved.  This is our Fine Arts building that backs up to the Erie Canal.
 (There are miles and miles of murals along the canal).

 Wouldn't it be wild to have a couple installed here???

 Gary is very happy with where we placed the farm wagon and is starting to sell flowers.

 Managed to make a yummy dinner.  Grilled ham, corn, beans (from our garden) and coleslaw made from our own red cabbage.  Anything we grow is organic.
 Chores at 7:30.  Looks like we could get some rain.
 Tucked the girls in and now I am off duty.
Night all.


  1. What glorious bounty all around! This is such a great time of year and you take such joy in it. Thank you for sharing it all with us . . . xx

  2. first off your dinner looks great! Loved all the photos u put up of town and surroundings. Yes California is dry - not so much Southern California as we have been getting some monsoonal rain - but central and northern not so much and that is where one of the biggest fires is - about the size of Sacramento. We have had several bad fires around here last month I'm in the mountains now where I live and it is scary when we hear sirens go off. There was a fire a few weeks back on the other side of Big Bear but luckily it was contained before it did too much damage to structures. Enjoyed your post and reading about your veggie wagon.

  3. I way prefer small cucumbers! So glad we are getting a bit of rain at last - as is the grass!


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