Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Quiet....Very Quiet

 How many ugmo mornings can we have?

 Jen and all the kids left this morning for a mini vacation, so I was as free as a bird.
Ran a few errands and met Sally for lunch at Java.
 Arjuna has a new awning!  Love it.
 Gary had three appointments today and was home off and on.  I took it easy and got dinner together.  
A salad with spinach, oranges, craisins and peanuts
 and a bow tie, chicken alfredo dish that Jenny saved for us.
Absolutely delicious!
 Another very buggy night.
Tucked the girls in by 7.  We did have a little sunshine off and on.
This is the view out the East window looking at the back pasture...
 and this was the view to the West.  Best part of the day.
 Had a meeting at 7pm and when I got home around 10, the moon was quite dramatic.
 Night all.


The wheels on the bus go round and round...  It's a good thing G-Paw let them take the van.
What would life be without a group selfie?

The crew took advantage of the day even tho it was raining off and on.
They are on a lake in the Adirondacks.

 Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow.


  1. Looks like the kids are having a great time.

  2. Coming to visit you all has to be the highlight of the summer for everyone :-D.


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