Friday, July 3, 2015

I'll Take It!

Sunny and 70.  Perfect.

 After chores I dragged the rings....

 and Gary started pulling out the garlic.
This is the South garden...
and here is the North.
 It looks like a bumper crop.
 I decided to make a pie using all the berries we picked yesterday.
 Just about ready to taste it.
 Dinner was simple and delish.  Chicken, corn on the cob and a salad with nectarines, bananas and raisins (spinach from our garden).
 When I went out to do chores, Gary was starting to hang the garlic on the farm wagon.

Tucked the girls in, will have that pie now....and am going down the road to take pictures of the fireworks.
Night all.


  1. Hi Lori! What a perfect day, from start to finish! Everything looks so beautiful and delicious too! I hope you're doing well, and I hope you have a wonderful, safe and memorable 4th!

  2. Oh, that bounty of garlic! and berries for pie! You're making me feel very lazy this week . . . xx


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