Saturday, July 11, 2015

Another Busy Day


 Mowed the lawn.

 Went to a Baseball Tournament for Coop

 and Finn.

 Finn had a great time on first base.  The pitcher kept trying to throw him out.

 Home for part of the afternoon, then off to a BBQ at Jenny's.
 About 15 kids and all their parents.
 Leah and Jen Ames were testing out the neighbor's margaritas.
 All kinds of appetizers and food.

 Gary and Ariana went down to Java for an Art Opening.  This time it was all about Photography, which is a very major interest of Ariana's.
I went home and tucked the girls in.
 A beautiful sunset, but I was too lazy to go down the road to catch a good shot.
Night all.


  1. Thank you for all the outstanding photos Busy lady. I enjoyed all.

  2. Another beautiful day in your neighborhood. That BBQ looks like fun :)


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