Thursday, July 9, 2015

Adios Daniela and the Third Degree

Not a pretty day in general.
More rain.

 After chores Gordon came up to rototill the two gardens where Gary pulled out the garlic.
 All the kids arrived as Daniela had to pack and we had a farewell lunch date.
 Finn made brownies and they all had some toast.
 We decided to go to Robach's Brewing Company as Jenny and Scott would not have to drive so far to meet us.  It's a very cozy place with a nice menu.
 (love this shot of Ariana)

 Daniela is going to be missed by all of us.
 When we got back to the farm Ariana and Daniela introduced the boys to the "loft" which is really an 18x32 attic above the kitchen.  It is jam packed with everything from antiques to junk to LPs.
They came across these hats that Jenny and Karen picked up in Mexico over a decade ago.
 Are they sweet or what!

 They are all so cooperative when it comes to my photo shoots!

 A little before 3 it was time for Daniela to leave... 
she and Gary headed off to the Buffalo Airport.

 Kevin picked up Finn and Coop....
 leaving me and Ariana to some quiet time.
 Did chores a little early

 so we could get down to Java for Summer Serenades.
It rained all afternoon, so it was moved to get out of the weather.
Of course by 7:15 it had cleared up.
 The name of the band was Third Degree.
They played at a couple parties in our indoor years ago.

 What a great band!
By the time we left, the light on the buildings downtown was beautiful.

 And as we headed south, could not resist stopping to catch photos of the sunset.

Night all.
Daniela arrived in Las Vegas at 6:30 their time.  
Good flight.


  1. I'm sure you were sorry to see her go. Love the hats and the photos!

  2. I think you were sorry to say goodbye. But great that she arrived safely in Las Vegas.


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