Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Real Mix

All kinds of activity today.
The morning started off with some rain while the sun was shining.

 After chores I took a shower and got dressed so Ariana could do a photo shoot of me.  This never happens, but she is interested in photography and we gave it a shot.

 Unfortunately, my glasses react to light and I can't use any of these photos for our campaign as I will look like a gangsta.
 We tried a little white on white out in the studio.

My hair was all goofy.

 The pictures that I really like were taken when we were goofing around in the garden.
 I'm checking out "Father Foozie."

 Gary went to the Garden Tour in Buffalo today.  I ran a few errands and Ariana went down to Jen's after lunch.

At 5 we headed over to Scott's for a family picnic that celebrated the his birthday along with Jenny's and nephew, Chase's.
 It was our debut, meeting his family.
 They set up paper and markers for the thoughtful.
Jen was busy in the kitchen, helping to get everything ready.  Everyone brought something....
 Scott was in charge of the grill

 and the food was delicious.

 Before dessert and presents, they played a lot of catch.  Scott has a beautiful, big back yard.
 Now it was my turn to take pictures of Ariana.

By 7 it was time for presents and cards
 and Chase read every single one (of his) to us.  My favorite part of the picnic.

 Jenny gave Scott a beautiful golf bag.
 Two beautiful cakes

one was chocolate from Jackson's Bakery (owned by a horse buddy from years run by his son and still going strong)
 and the other was an ice cream cake.
 We had a great time and really enjoyed meeting Scott's family.
Night all.


  1. I love the pictures of you in the garden.

  2. Nice to see your "Campaign" photo shoot. I think it makes you look "Real" not fake:) Love the garden ones. Take care. Hug B

  3. Lovely to see you and Ariana looking so well.

  4. Nice to see you!!!!!! Looks like a great family gathering!!


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