Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Northampton Driving Society 29th Annual Competition...

One of the main reasons I went to this show was to take pictures of Calypso.  I met her right after she was born at Bridlewreath Farm and she is now 4 years old.  This was her first experience at a driving competition and she was driven by Elizabeth O., who has been doing much of her training.  Her owner is Jan C., who owns the farm and two other Haffies (she recently had shoulder surgery and could not drive).  The farm is across the street from the park, so Calypso had the opportunity to negotiate the property prior to the competition.

When they arrived, Elizabeth did a little line driving by the tent so she could hear the generator and the microphone.

 Elizabeth has a very nice, relaxed way with horses which made Calypso more comfortable with the others and their rigs. She has also worked with my friends Tina (Sandman) and Lorrie (remember Moon that lived here a couple years ago?)

 Is she not adorable?

The first two classes were for minis.
 I must say, the turnouts today were gorgeous, from start to finish.

 Class 9.  Novice Horse and Pony.
It was finally time for Calypso to make her debut.

 As her owner said, standing in line at the end of the class is the most important gait!  When they do a pattern one at a time or have to back up for the judge, the horses may have to stand there for 15 minutes or more.  Not that easy for a newbie.
 I had another friend in the same class.  
Gerry was driving an Arabian gelding, and it was also his first competition.

Beautiful weather and a nice breeze for all the ponies.

Left at noon so I did not even get into the cones classes.
Kudos to all those who trained for this event, not to mention all the effort it took to get their tack and horses ready.  Every single horse was sparkling.
Night all.


  1. The line up has always been so difficult! What a great show! How did Calypso do?

  2. Not a horse guy, but I would have loved to view this show with or without the camera. Go figure.

  3. Calypso is a little beauty. Looks like a great show. I'd love to see this in person.


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