Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Morning 'til Night

 Same old.

 Class at 10:30.

 A new student joined us today.  Welcome Deborah.

 After class I had to get the lead out as the Kleins and Cretneys were coming to dinner.
Once the house was organized I started of making apricot chutney.

 Set up the table on the porch so we could be out there before eating....
 Daniela helped Grampa with some weeding in the veggie garden.

 In the meantime, I added honey mustard to the boneless pork chops that I marinated overnight.
 Everyone arrived at 6:30.

 Jenny stopped in to pick up Daniela and I sent them home with a couple dinners.
We had Bazmati rice with onions, mushrooms and peas...
 chutney to put on the
 grilled pork...
 roasted brussel sprouts
 and Anne brought an outstanding salad.
 After we finished eating, Brenda went out to the barn with me to tuck the girls in.

 It was a gorgeous evening, and so much cooler.
 Back in for dessert.  Brenda made a birthday cake (gluten free) and it just happened to be HER
Chalk up one more fantastic meal.
Night all.


  1. Your meal does look wonderful, especially your pork dish!

  2. LOVE pork. Is a cherry pie coming soon? The 'girls' passed on your food? They looked happy with their bags of grain.


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