Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Gary Started Building The Ark Today....

Rain last night and three monsoon sessions today.
Can't imagine how much rain we have had.
A little sun this morning.
 Outrageously busy.  
Raced through chores, took a shower and drove to Batavia for a dentist appointment.
Got back to the farm around 10:30, and needed to be at Judy's by 11:15.
On the way, I picked up a tee shirt for a friend and dropped it off at her house, getting where I needed to be on time.
 There is an election going on in the village on June 16th.  Only village residents can vote, and since we live in the Town of Sweden...we can't.  I know this candidate, very strong and community minded.  It will be awhile before our signs start going up.  The election is not until November.

Sally was treating Judy and me to lunch in Medina.

 Her favorite restaurant is Zambistro, and we were very happy to go there.
 It's just a small place but it feels great.
 We started off with 3 soup samples.
Chicken, Onion and Mushroom. 
All were delicious.
 Ordered a chicken salad wrap...
 a salmon salad
 sweet potato fries
 and a black and blue salad.
 Big yum!

When we left, it was pouring.
Half an hour later, as we arrived in Brockport, it started getting crazier with thunder and lightning and I still needed to get a haircut.  Called Gary and he could not get the horses to go in the barn.
Fortunately all was well when I got back to the farm and within half an hour the sun came out.

 Went out to check on the girls....

 How do you like my outdoor arena?

Rolling was on the agenda.

In between raindrops, Gary finished cleaning out the gardens in the back yard and added mulch.  A major improvement.  Now if that grass would just fill in.
Painting the fence is in the near future.  I'm sure Phoebe and Gucci will appreciate it.  Having this fenced in area is the way to go when you have dogs.  I just need to open the back door in the kitchen and they can hang out on the back porch.  At chore time, they go with me to the barn.
 Sophie was sacked out in her condo during the rain and shine.
 Chores at 7:30.

 Naturally, it was gorgeous as I finished up.

 Picked a few daisies for the kitchen table.
 A very simple supper.
Grilled cheese, potato salad and watermelon.
Night all.


  1. We've had a little bit of rain here. Very little. Just enough to dampen the ground. We have good perimeter fencing -- although Kersey found quite a few holes. I think we've fixed them all now.

  2. I can't believe how much rain you're getting. The arena looks like a pond! Hope your weather clears up and sun comes to dry it all out.

  3. Yikes - what a lot of rain you had :( you could go swimming with the horses in that area! Love the idea of a three soup sample for a starter.


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