Thursday, May 7, 2015

Yet Another Beautiful Day...

 (Gary's cabbage has been growing like got planted tonight).

 I had an 11 o'clock appointment to have my stitches removed.
 Took the Canal route to the Doc's office.

 After my appointment, because I was sure this was Friday, I drove to The Center to pick up two chicken dinners.  
Only problem.....this was not Friday.
 The front garden we planted looked gorgeous.
 Sophie was sacked out on the porch when I got home.

 Gordon B. came up to rototill 3 of Gary's gardens.

 Let the girls go in the outdoor arena today...will close it off when it rains.  What the heck.

 Our little fruit trees are loaded with blossoms.  Hope that means they will produce a lot of fruit.
We have 1 plum, 1 peach 2 sweet cherries and 5 apple trees.
 Once again, I did not cook dinner.
Went to Weggies and got two different $6 meals and turned it into a smorgie.
 Also made a salad with Russian dressing.
 Went out to tuck the girls in a little early as I had a meeting tonight.

Night all.


  1. Lori, do you ever stop for a while? Those stitches look like it was so painful, and getting them out is as bad!!! stunning tulips.

  2. Beautiful Indeed. Hope you have another one like it. HUG B

  3. Glad the stitches are out. Everything looks beautiful.


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