Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Up And At 'Um...

Woke up at 5:30 and was out in the barn by 6:30 so I could get chores done and grab a shower.

 Had to be at the Middle School by 8am.
 I've never been to this event before, but it sure was beautifully presented.
When we arrived there was an orchestra of about 15 kids playing classical pieces.
Several administrators, board members and teachers were there along with many 6-8th graders who were serving coffee and other drinks.

 After breakfast there was much more entertainment.

 I could not believe the talent in this age group.
The chorus director was fantastic and you could see how much the kids loved working with him.

When I left the building the Superintendent of the school was going back to her office in this little vehicle.  We have a big campus and it makes getting around easy.
 Home in time for class.

 Spent the afternoon on my computer and the phone.  Pulled a few weeds in one of the gardens and brought in fresh flowers for the kitchen table.

 The iris are popping up and I hope they are still here tomorrow.
 The temperature dropped like crazy.  Right now it is 53 and could be in the high 30s by morning.
Tucked the girls in around 7.

 Early evening, we had to call Scott C. as water keeps dripping into the washing machine.  He showed up in his

No biggie for dinner....leftovers.
Night all.


  1. Hello Lori. I love the idea of the local school children entertaining their seniors (?) to breakfast and music. Wish we had something like that. We probably have had. Depends totally on the teachers I suppose. Looked great fun, anyway.

  2. What a great event to attend. Not sure which I am more enthralled with - the sheep painting or the car!

  3. A best friend in HS had one of these that she buzzed around in. Pretty cool back then.


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