Friday, May 15, 2015


 It has been a very long day.
 After chores I mowed the lane.  This honkin' machine has absolutely destroyed it.

 Also mowed the outdoor arena...the grass needs to fill in a LOT more.
 Do you have a clothesline?  Clothes smell so much better when you hang them outside.

 We have hundreds of strawberry plants and I hope to have a lot of jam in my future.
 Cooled it this afternoon.

Tonight we performed with our chorus....last gig of the year.
This is page one of the program, just to give you an idea of the type of music we sing.
I drummed for "Yellow Bird" and played the washboard for "Fiddlin' Jamboree."  Love playing the washboard.
Page 2.
We got there at 5 for a short rehearsal and sang with the Hochstein kids around 6.

 We gathered in Shannon Hall before the performance started at 7.

The place was full with an appreciative audience.

 At the end of the concert we presented flowers and gifts to our drummer, pianist and director.

 After two very weak rehearsals, we pulled it off tonight. 
This year's music was quite a stretch for us.
Really enjoyed singing with the kids and
Mary Ellen survived us for one more year.
The audience was invited to a reception afterwards.  The singers provided MANY goodies.
 Just a preview.
We got out of there around 9:30 and drove by the
Low Bridge High Water Canal Opening Celebration over on Water Street.
There was a Craft Beer Big Tent Event and the place was packed.
Gary dropped me off for a 5 minute photo shoot.

 There I am, in concert dress and out of place.
Jenny's friends were wondering why she was not there!
The band was Phish.  You never know who you're going to run into....dancing.
Tomorrow is going to be just as busy.
Taking Phoebe to a Rabies Clinic for a free shot...
doing a photo shoot at the Canal...
and have a 3-5 meeting.
I think that's all.
Night all.


  1. That seems like a very full day you had. Looks like fun though.

  2. Mom remembers those clothes line. Yet to see one in CA
    Lily & Edward


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