Friday, April 3, 2015

Turned the Corner....

A very dull morning.
Got a little sleep last night and was able to help with chores minus the pressure in my head.  I have now used four boxes of kleenex and needed to make a sneak trip down to Wegmans for more.  A good sign that I'm making progress.

 The warm temperatures yesterday and today really perked up the garlic...
 and this yucca plant finally is free of snow.

 On my way back to the house I was very happy to see a burst of color in the garden across from the kitchen.  A real sign of spring...too bad we are going to get snow later tonight.

 I don't know what hit me (maybe spring fever) as I had a burst of energy that had me changing around furniture in the kitchen and washing all the blankets and pillow cases I have been coughing on.  If Gary escapes this, it will be a miracle.

Anyway, after that I constructed a homemade pizza for dinner.
 Mushrooms, roasted red peppers and onions.

 It could not have been better.  Lovin' the pizza dough made in the breadmaker.

 The salad was steamed and marinated asparagus, romaine, green onions, cherry tomatoes and a couple of hard boiled eggs.

 These four amaryllis blossoms are hangin' in there like gangbusters.  They are so huge I don't know why they have not broken the stem.

 then evening chores.  I even managed to do that.

 Except for Berlin, all the girls had done some serious rolling.

 Maggie says
Night all!


  1. The amaryllis blossoms are beautiful, and if that doesn't add to your spring fever, nothing does! :-)

    I hope you have a wonderful Easter!!

  2. I'm glad you are feeling better. I can't believe you already have flowers! We had two nice days in the 50s and a ton of snow left, it gives me hope:)

  3. We are awaiting the first signs of crocus! But the skunk cabbage and marsh marigold are peeking out!

  4. Love your flowers! Beautiful. Glad you're starting to feel better.

  5. So sorry to hear you have been sick. I love your new header! The color of the flowers is natures perfection!


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