Thursday, April 23, 2015

Oh s(NO)w....

 Bah humbug!  I really did not want to wake up to snow.

 The first thing I did when I got out to the barn was to put medium blankets on the girls.
 Windy and in the low 30s and I'm not interested in having one of them colic.  These weather changes have been a pain in the butt.

 Seeing that I had no early appointments I decided to whip up a couple batches of pellet bedding for the stalls.  Love the way they explode when I add the water.

Did not leave the farm all day and put the girls in around 6:15.  Still ugly out there.

Added a little sauce to the carbonara that was leftover from last night and threw in a few peas.  Much better the second time around.
 Bean salad....uuuummmmm.
Had a meeting earlier this evening and was very happy to come home to a nice cozy fire.
Maybe I will be more motivated to take pictures tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. Oh No! We were in the 40's today, very windy too. It rained and sleeted for a while. I'm getting pretty tired of this nonsense. Can't believe you had snow this late.

  2. We had some wild swings of weather here too! Snow/sleet, then hot, then frost.

  3. A late snow is a definite bubble buster. Hope it warms back up for y'all soon!


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