Thursday, April 9, 2015

More Rain....

 I'm sick of it!  More rain last night and we are deep into the world of mud.
 The temperature went up to the mid 50s (with NO SUN) so I called the girls in from the back pasture to take off their sheets.

I'm sure they liked being naked for awhile.

 I am so unmotivated when it gets like this!  Got under a blanket and vegged part of the afternoon.

Made sloppy Joes, corn and brought out the remaining coleslaw from last night.
My idea of comfort food.
 Do you have a good recipe for coleslaw?  Here's how I made mine.
Mixed red and green cabbage in a food processor...
also chopped up a couple of carrots
combined in a big bowl
threw in some yellow raisins and a chopped apple
added salt, pepper and celery salt
dumped on some cider vinegar and a little sugar
finished with a little mayo
(Can you tell that I don't use recipes?)
Love that combo.

My bouquet of flowers is hanging in there.  About the only bright spot in my day, since my cold is still lingering.
Karen did the evening chores and gave me a surprise break.  Nice!
Night all.

By the way, the banana cream pie tasted great!


  1. Spring weather can be so sloppy. We have had a lot of rain. Hopefully it is bringing May flowers.

  2. Your meal is one of my "go to" meals as well. I also don't use recipes for my sloppy joes, or coleslaw either -- And it's never the same twice. Sometimes it's better than others, but we enjoy it anyway -- Unlike this crazy weather we are also having with 80's predicted for Friday or Saturday.

  3. Mud,mud, mud, but at least it's not snow!

  4. Rained here too and still is tonight. What a mess. Hate this as much as the snow!

    The pie looks delicious.

  5. Wishing you sunny days!

    ALOHA from Honolulu,

  6. Which is better or worse? Mud, or snow? We don't get either here, a few little boggy areas on the lawn, that squelched yesterday and this morning. Guess even the girls will be longing for your spring to arrive and stay.

  7. Yesterday we were swimming in mud. Today is is beginning to dry out, thank goodness.
    What a sloppy mess.
    That said the temps are wamer and I don't need to wear a face-mask to do chores.
    Grass is greening....


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