Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Green Is In.

 Sunny morning.

 Chorus at 10.  My voice is not normal, that's for sure.
Lunch with Sally and Judy at Java around noon.
You know what I ordered.
It was still sunny when I got home...put the girls in one of the grass paddocks for a few hours.

 Made a sweet potato salad this afternoon and marinated a couple of pork chops to be grilled tonight.  Minor detail.  Gary had a dinner meeting and I forgot about it.
 He went to Albion, I had a sandwich and went out to do chores.
 It was still gorgeous and the temperature dropped from the 60s to the mid 50s.  The pastures are getting greener by the day.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. How did that green show so fast, it seems just a few days ago it was all snow.


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