Friday, April 17, 2015

Better As The Day Went On...

 Nuthin' special when I went out to do chores...mild and grey.
 We did have a lot of yellow sitings today....daffodils and finches.

 Did a few things on my computer and then got ready to go to Rochester for my annual appointment with the dermatologist.  Always a sigh of relief when the report is good.

Stopped at Weggies on the way home to pick up some sesame chicken as it just sounded like a good thing for dinner.  When I got back to the farm the sun warmed things up to the mid 60s and I let the horses go out in one of the small grass paddocks.  Before I opened the gate, Maggie provided a performance at the water trough.

 Gary worked at Sara's earlier in the day, and when he got home continued to move mulch.

We had an early dinner...homemade lomain with peas and carrots topped with the sesame chicken and a side of oranges and banana.  Can't help it....I love fruit with Chinese food.
 Chores at 7...the girls still like getting tucked in for the night and wait for me in the front paddock.

Night all.


  1. Another nice day from start to finish -- A trip to Wegmans really helps--At least it does for me, it's all good at Wegmans! :-)!

  2. You have sunshine, and green grass, and what was all the fuss in the water trough? Almost like the elephants do, maybe a little wash instead of a drink. So funny!!!

  3. Looks like a nice day from start to finish. Good to hear you had a good report. I know that sigh of relief feels great.

  4. PS~ Link to blog about our comings and goings with Throat Cancer is now fairly up to date on the following link:

    I think it appears as a link on the top right of the Mulewings Blog.


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