Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Sun and the Moon

I did get some sleep, but my cough is a real pain.
The sunrise was exceptional today.

 The rays disappeared by 8:30 and came back late afternoon.
 While I vegetated, Gary took my car to Brockport for a $700.30 INSPECTION!
I needed new brakes, a muffler and tailpipe.  Great.
 Class at 10:30...just 3 students today.

 Tons of geese in the back 40...I got there too late to catch the deer grazing.
 Chicken soup
 and veggie subs before chores.

 Abbe was covered with mud....surprise surprise.
 Once again I could see the sun and the moon at the same time.

Night all.
I'm going to see if a steamer will clear out my head.


  1. Hey check to see if you will be able to see the Lunar Eclipse-Blood Moon on April 4th! I'm going to go onto the ridge in the morning and watch it!

  2. Menthol and camphor chest rub, a teaspoon in steaming water, and inhale, but make sure you don't go out in the freezing air for some time afterwards. That always works well down here. The eclipse, I will have to be super fast, as the total eclipse lasts 7 minutes. It starts here at 10 p.m. on the 4th, finishes at 3 a.m. the 5th, the same day our daylight saving ends, and we are told to alter the clocks at 2 a.m. in the morning!!!

  3. Lovely sky shots, Lori. I especially like the one with the windmill in it and the last one with the sun coming through the window. Sorry you are not feeling well-still plenty of "stuff" going around. Take care and feel better soon. Happy Easter. Mickie :)

  4. Truly stunning pictures of the sunrise!!

  5. Never tire of those skies . . . xx


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