Thursday, March 26, 2015

S(no)w Fun

A dull start to the day....not too cold.  After chores I decided to pick the back pasture and all the girls wanted to do was roll.

 The ground has started to get mushy.

 Can't wait for this to look green.

 Had a meeting at The Center at 11.  By noon it started snowing and on my way back to the farm the visibility was getting pretty bad.

 This did not make my day.

 It's a good thing we still have flowers on the kitchen table to cheer me up.
 The horses were wet from the rain around 10...
 then piggie one and piggie two had to roll in the indoor creating heavy messed up blankets.

 By 2 I gave up and put them in the barn, scraped them off and will have to put something else on them tomorrow.

 How many days will it take this to dry?

 There were a lot of deer out in the back 40.
 At 4:15 three other chorus members arrived and Gary drove into Rochester as we had a performance at Hochstein.
 Our director, Mary Ellen, works with two groups of young people there and part of the program had us singing together.  In May, they will come out and sing at our concert.
 The facility is amazing and so are the acoustics.  We were able to go through our music before the program started.
 There's Judy!

 Unfortunately I was not able to take a lot of videos.
Here, we were rehearsing before the performance.  "Dwell in the House."  Wish you could have heard the whole thing.

We had a lot of fun mixing it up with the kids.
I played the washboard for "Fiddlin' Jamboree" and we had over 100 voices.
 Tomorrow we will be performing again at the Chili Senior Center.  Their chorus is going to sing as well.  Can't wait to hear them.
It's been a long and crazy day.  Let's hope the snow is gone by morning.
Night all.


  1. What a great group, and more snow, when will it end up there for you?

  2. That blanket looks nasty wet and muddy! Yech.

  3. You are having one heck of a winter out there! Can't believe you are getting snow Again!!

  4. I hope that's the last of the snow. They did a great job getting those blankets as nasty as possible. Good luck getting them clean.

  5. Yuk! Definitely s(no)w fun!
    I am thinking the girls are getting itchy as their winter coats dry out!


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