Friday, March 6, 2015

Random 5 Friday

Five reasons I can't wait for winter to be over.

 1.  Almost 100 inches of snow so far and there will probably be more.

 2.  Too many days with windchills of -25 degrees.

 3.  The horses are tired of standing in the snow.

4.  My back hurts from shoveling.

5.  The hydrant froze in the barn.

Starting tomorrow, we should be in the 30s and even higher by next week.  Hoping that we will not need to build an ark.
To view more Random 5s...
A Rural Journal


  1. How very picturesque it looks on your farm, but I sympathise: I think the novelty of snow would have worn thin if I'd had as much of it as you've had. Wishing you some warmer weather and a lovely weekend, Bonny

  2. What an unbelievably snowy time you have had this Winter. Keep warm and roll on Spring.

  3. Oh, that's just awful Lori... Hope it warms up for you and flooding is not an issue. xo

  4. Pretty much the same here. But it is supposed to warm up tomorrow. Your scenery is beautiful though!

  5. I wish for you a slow, manageable melt!

  6. oh my goodness, i cannot even imagine 100 inches of snow...but wow, gorgeous photos!! stay warm and dry!

  7. I do wish Mother Nature would share some of that beautiful snow with the West Coast!! We are going to be in a drought situation again this year I'm afraid. But, yes, 100+ inches is a LOT of snow!

  8. Your winter landscape looks wonderful, but I know that enough is probably enough! Yes, I hope if it warms, it does so slowly so the runoff doesn't flood.

  9. Wow 100 inches of snow is a bunch indeed. I can see why the horses (and the humans) would be tired of it. I do hope you don't get to warm as to cause flooding but it's nice that it's warming up a little for you all.

  10. Yikes! I'd be tired of standing in the snow, too. Poor horses ... and you! Stay warm. Hope the ark isn't necessary as the thaw begins.

  11. We, here in the Pacific Northwest, have been enjoying warmer than normal season temps and spring has come a month early... hope yours arrives soon without the need for a boat! Visiting from Nancy's R5F...

  12. Hi, there! Thanks for visiting today, and for your compliment on my sunrise photo.
    I LOVE your horse pictures.... so beautiful!
    I feel guilty complaining about our petty snow storms, compared to what you've had. Hopefully spring will come early to us all this year!

  13. o mercy. my heart fails at the though and you've put me to shame with my whining.

  14. This has been an amazing winter by all accounts!

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  15. Your winter sounds like ours. We too will be warming up starting this weekend. So ready for it. I love your horses. I had a pony growing up, those were happy times.

  16. I've been there with the 100 inches of snow but thankfully during our snow melts in March we have steep valleys and rocks for the water to run wildly down as the snow melts.
    Streams get full, our rock gulleys get the fall leaves washed out of them, and everything is set up for spring to arrive.
    I sure hope it doesn't cause problems!


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