Monday, March 9, 2015

Over 40 Degrees And Melting

 Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
 Do you soak your pellet beading?
It more than doubles and doesn't feel like stones under the horse's feet.
(I'm sure you already know that!)
I like mixing it with shavings.

 By 8:30 the sun was heating up.

 Angel is so photogenic.

 This pine tree is growing between the two porches off the kitchen.  I think it's time to cut it down before something happens and am getting an estimate.
 Love it when everything looks violet.
 I'm going to keep track of the snow melting according to Big Bird.

 Here are Phoebe and Gucci before they went to the groomer this morning.
 Here is the last of the cluster of 5 blossoms, with more on the way.

 Pasta for dinner.  A no brainer.
 Just before 7 the sunset was pounding through our filthy windows...(thank you plows).

 Chores at 7.
 Tucked in the girls and got back in the house by 7:30.
Tomorrow is another day.
Night all.


  1. Yeah for melting! We have the same here. I can't wait til it's all gone.

  2. Lovely final photo, with sunshine glowing behind the trees.


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