Sunday, March 1, 2015

Higher Temperature, More Snow...

This morning Karen dug out the back door of the loft so we could throw out some hay.  The girls like to stand there as it is a perfect wind block.

 Removed the sheets I had put over their blankets as we had a shot at hitting 30 degrees.

Back in the living room....there are now 5 huge blooms on one stem of the amaryllis plant.
 A record breaker in this house!

 We had snow off and on all day.  Phoebe, Gucci and I were very lazy.
I started watching "House of Cards."  That should take me quite awhile as I'm starting at the very beginning.
 Went out later than felt pretty good for a change.

 Tucked the girls in for the night.
It was pitch black when I got back to the house.
 An easy dinner...left over cauliflower casserole and a salad.
Now, I need to stay awake for "The Good Wife."
Night all.


  1. You'll love HoC! Claire is one of my favorite characters of all time. She's so well-written and portrayed so beautifully by Robin Wright.

  2. Higher temps or snow? Pick your poison. I'll vote for the temps... high or even low. Sick of the color white!

  3. I think you'll like House of Cards. I did like it.

    We got about 7-8 inches I think. Today it made it up to 34! Heat wave. Not supposed to last though.mugh!


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