Sunday, March 8, 2015

36 Degrees at 7:30pm!

 Was this a beautiful start to the day?
I hope the weather is shaping up where you live.  It is such an upper.

I took the heavy Rambos off Berlin and Abbe... both got a nice brushing and both came through the frigid winter in good rig.
 This 30 year old sweetheart's back is pretty dippy, but everything else is great.
Beautiful feet, clear eyes and a shiny coat.

 I think Abbe was trying to tell me to get their medium blankets on post haste.

 Gary shoveled the snow of the side porch roofs
 and created huge piles.  I noticed that the south side of the indoor was also piled high after the solar heat attacked the metal roof.
 It was a marathon afternoon, watching more episodes of "House of Cards."  I'm so hooked.

 It was so bright outside, did not do evening chores until 6:45.  The horses did not know the clocks were changed.

 We have been spreading old hay in the front paddock so that the horses have some traction when it gets icy.
 I'm ok with the time change.
Leftovers for dinner.

Night all.


  1. I do love your horses in blankets. You header is awesome!

  2. We so enjoyed this today

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  3. We made it to 64 degrees today (which shouldn't be overly special for this time of year here). It was heavenly. We're supposed to be warm all week which almost makes up for the fact that there are rain chances every single day and the ground is already saturated. Love the last picture of the horses with the three of them lined up with ears pointed at the camera, super cute!

  4. We got up to 43 yesterday too with more warming on the way. It is an upper. You'd think we were having a heat wave!

  5. It got warm yesteday and the snow melt was fantastic...I opted for a long hike through the valley and was rewarded with run off and warm temps.
    I discarded my jacket and had just a sweatshirt on. Out of the was... hot!

  6. Looks promising that Spring is coming. Beautiful pictures.


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