Monday, February 23, 2015

No Water In The Barn!

 6:30am and the sky was getting ready...
 to burst
 into that frigid gold.

 Eventually it settled.
 After we cleaned stalls and set them up, Karen wanted to fill a water bucket and voila!!!!!
NO WATER.  When the girls went in last night, the barn felt like 25 degrees.  By this morning it was 8 or 9 degrees cooler and outside it was nearly -25!  Why now?  We have had more cold than this.  First we tried a hair dryer.  Then Scott brought up a deal.
 I went in to warm up and had a piece of toast with pepper jelly.  
Can't believe how good this bread is.
 Put the girls back in their stalls.

 and they were not very happy about it.

 My trip to Rochester never happened.  Too concerned about the frozen pipe.
When Gary got back from his dentist appointment, he and Doug (who put in our waterline to the barn along with the hydrant) went out to see what they could do.  Very discouraging.

Turned the girls out around 2:30 as there was full sun.

 In the meantime, Gary was trying to get something together and drove over to Stockham Lumber for some heat tape.  It's a darn good thing these flowers are offering me a break from the cold.

 Phoebe and
 Gucci were enjoying the afternoon sun.

 I felt sorry for Gary, out there in the freezing cold.

 Tucked the girls in for the night...Gary drove to one more hardware store.
 While he was gone I ate dinner as I had a 7pm meeting in Brockport.
Red lentil soup, a salad with pears and (of course) a piece of bread....again.
Home at 8:30.  Now (9:30) the temperature is -5 and it continues to drive me nuts.
The heat tape is on the pipe in the barn and I'm hoping it will help.
What a day.  Hauling water from the house to the barn is no picnic.
Night all.


  1. Hope you get water soon no fun to carry water to the barn...we used to do that all winter when we had horses. 15 gallons of water per horse per day. Hope the heat tape helps. Seems it is cold and miserable all over:)

  2. That is some gorgeous cold gold in those photos! Magnificent!

    I'm sorry about the frozen pipe. And I hope it warms up at least some for you soon!

    Phoebe and Gucci are just so adorable, but of course that's obvious. :)

  3. Beautiful photos, but gah! Fingers are crossed there is water in the barn today!

  4. Oh I am sorry about the frozen pipe. It is not fun over here either farming in this extended cold is so difficult. Take care. Hug B

  5. Hope your water defrosts soon. I know what a pain it is to bring water from the house. Our automatic waterers froze also. Only two were working so five stalls needed buckets. This wouldn't have been so bad because we can usually fill them right in the tack room. Unfortunately, those pipes froze too. So it's been off to the house and back with buckets. Not a whole lot of fun. Good luck today.

  6. We had that happen on our outdoor hydrant the other day. We let the sun warm it up and we were good to go. Apparently the frost has moved about in the ground?
    Last year we had lots of snow to keep the line insulated -- outside -- not this year. I even had the water freeze in the house this year ... it has been a very strange winter indeed.
    I hope the freeze up issue resolves soon!

  7. I'm also hoping that the water flows in the morning.'s cold up there!

  8. I hope you get the water unfrozen soon! After our two water line leaks I know how awful it is to have water issues. We made it down to 5 one night and most people around here thought they might die if they stepped outside. When we lived in Vermont I think it made it to -20 a couple of nights. I lasted through exactly one winter there. I just couldn't deal with that level of cold. Prayers for water resolution soon! Also, your cover photo at the top is gorgeous.


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