Sunday, January 4, 2015

Splish Splash!

Another crazy day.  The horses should tell you what the weather was like.

After chores Doc Edwards called and I was able to pick up Gucci.  She is still looking quite comfortable and has had two meals that included mineral oil.  It's a good thing I got to the Animal Hospital before they closed yesterday.

Spent the afternoon under a blanket and continued coughing my brains out.  My entire body aches from this.

Evening duty a little early.  We were having some very high wind gusts (which dried out their filthy blankets) and the temperature was dropping.
 Horsey granola for the girl's dinner with carrots and apples.

 I managed to make us spags and meatballs.
"The Good Wife" returns at 9...I just have to try and stay awake.
Night all.


  1. Hope you and Gucci continue to mend uneventfully and FULLY!! --And I love the Good Wife!! :-)

  2. Yuck. What a dreary day.
    "The Good Wife" returns???? Heck, YOU are the good wife!!
    Get better. Gucci, too.

  3. I know what that is like - waiting for a dog to poop. I hope you are on the mend. The coughing sounds horrible.

  4. Hope you and Gucci are better soon. This has been going on long enough. Saw the Good Wife last night. Good one.

    We had a horse who would splash in puddles too. But would never go through one while you rode him. He would jump them instead. What a mess she's making!


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