Monday, January 12, 2015

Greasy Snow...

 A snowy morning...very slippery but near 30 degrees.

 After chores I took a quick shower and headed down to The Center to help Gary, Rick and Judy strip old wallpaper off the walls.  On the way, there was an accident a couple hundred yards down the road, with all kinds of vehicles (ambulance, fire truck, sheriff cars etc.) on the scene.  I was directed around them without getting a good look at the cars.  At 4, Jenny called and said that Karen's car was the one in the ditch.  She is ok, but her car was totaled.  A vehicle going south came into her lane and hit her head on.  Can't believe I drove right by.  She did go to the hospital to get checked out and I expect she is going to be very sore from the air bag smacking into her body.  

This is the room we are working on.  It will become a "cafe."  Right now it looks a lot different and I look forward to the end product.
Judy and I went to the Stoneyard for lunch...Gary and Rick kept working.

 Home around 3 and started a fire.  We were supposed to go out to dinner with Jen, but postponed for another night.  No fun driving 20 miles in these weather conditions.

Chores at 5.

 Gary put together our leftovers and dinner was ready when I got back in the house.
What a turn around.  I am finally starting to feel better.
Night all.


  1. Glad you are better, and that K is OK

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  2. Glad Karen is okay. Thank goodness for air bags. Very slippery here too. Nothing but ice everywhere. Lots of freezing rain.

  3. So glad you're finally starting to feel better! Mine dragged and dragged. Just when I was feeling better, back it would come! I'm better now too. So awful that Karen was in an accident! I had to cancel my clients this morning because of the freezing rain! I'm paranoid and simply will not drive in this weather. Haha not to mention my very pretty car is usless in the snow. I've had it with that too.

  4. I'm glad that Karen is okay! Glad that you are feeling better as well. The weather this week has been warm -- in the upper 50s during the day. Still down to 30ish at night.

  5. We just have sunshine and cold cold...but dang, I hate driving in that crappy slippery stuff and I too am glad that Karen is okay and that you are feeling better!
    It has been a long road hasn't it?

  6. Very treacherous driving yesterday with that greasy snow. Accidents were abundant. Stay warm.


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